Hello! our CYE schedule is here:

Our Youth Group has it’s own page now! Check it out frequently, for information about the next get-together.

Family Day Volunteers Needed!

As you may have noticed on the CYE Calendar above, there are several Family Faith Fellowship Days which occur over the next few months (highlighted in yellow). We need help from parents to set up on the Saturday before, the Sunday of, and clean up after on Sunday. Please visit this form to sign up for a shift. There are tabs across the bottom for each date. If you are able to assist for more than one time/type please enter your name for each shift. Thank you for your help!

Confirmation Retreat

Our confirmation retreat registration form can be completed online. Please use this link. Eighth and Seventh Graders should register. Payment information is provided in the form.


Parents, The Office of Religious Education would like to make you aware of video series especially made for parents. This series is free to you via through our Parish subscription.  The Catholic Parent created through a collaboration between the Augustine Institute and Catholic Sprouts, features six short episodes in this stunning video series features real Catholic parents sharing their struggles and victories. Through The Catholic Parent, the Catholic families will find solidarity and encouragement as they embrace their vital role as formators of their children. This is a wonderful series and very relatable to the “real life” of trying to live your faith in a house full of the chaos of parenting.  Watch the trailer here!

The registration Fee for CYE is $30 each for the first 2 children and $15 each for additional Children. Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the gymnasium. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. This is the Returning Student Registration Form to be completed online.

Attention Homeschoolers: All Religious Education textbooks used in the Diocese of Harrisburg must be found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and listed on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Office for the Catechism.  The Office of Religious Education is responsible by Diocesan regulation for tracking all catechetical education and is here to support you.  Please contact us if you intend to home school. We can provide you with approved curricula list from the USCCB and assist you with the Diocesan guidelines for Sacramental Preparation.


This is the link to the Parent Resources Playlist

Recap of our CYE Family Faith Day, February 18, 2024

Recap of our CYE Family Faith Day of October 15th 2023:

Link to the family prayer references used in Family Faith Day:

This continuing education module is an Introduction to How the Catholic Faith holds that the Truth is supported by the interaction of Scripture/Tradition and the Magisterium:

In this module we will discuss whether morals and ethics are absolute or determined by circumstances. The Catholic definitions of Truth and Good will be presented and a template for moral decision making:

Views: 268

St. Columba Catholic Church