Parish News

SEVEN SISTERS APOSTOLATE : A new Apostolate began in our church June 1 called the Seven Sisters Apostolate. This is a world -wide Movement, as well as in our Diocese, where seven women from the parish each pray for one day a week, one hour, for our Pastor. He is then covered with prayer every day of the week. This began with seven women who graciously said “yes” for one year to grace our priest. They need to pray this hour in front of a Tabernacle. This can be difficult, as church hours in many parishes are shortened, or absent. If one of the Sisters is away at this point, she needs to find a church open or Adoration place to say specific prayers for the Pastor. Or she may ask a sub. We would also like to establish a second group of Seven Sisters Apostolate as an adjunct group to pray for Father St. Hilaire. The Sisters do not need to be members of the Benton church to do this, but all are welcome. It is a commitment of one year. If any woman is interested in helping out this ministry on a sub basis, please call or text Judy Dobson at 570-594-7175. She will give you all the information you need for this occasional hour that will be met with gratitude by the Sister. Thank you.

REGARDING OUR SCHOOL BUILDING: As we move forward after the closing of St. Columba School, we begin the process of considering our options for the use of the building. With the finance council and parish council’s unanimous support, we recently declined a proposal from an alternative school that was hoping to rent the building.  As we reflect on how best to use the space, we need to consider: the parking needs of our parishioners (especially during Mass times and funerals), the opportunity to use the space for the spiritual and social needs of our own parishioners, and allowing more time to prayerfully consider all of our options, especially with the initiatives of the Next Generation Project just beginning to formulate.  We have many more options/ models to research and we want to process this transition with your input. If you have any ideas, please contact the office.  Thank you.

In addition to the news posted on this page, our parish bulletin includes information about the Diocese of Harrisburg and programs and activities such as employment opportunities and specific social and religious events.

Looking for servers grade 4 and up. Specifically looking for young people who can serve the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. Please call or text Karen Konkolics at 570-441-3459 or email at

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m., we have adoration, confessions (when Father Mowery is available), and the Flame of Love Rosary. This is a wonderful mid-week opportunity for prayer.

If you would like to donate an arrangement of flowers for the altar for a special occasion, special intention, or in memory of a loved one, please call or visit the parish office.  The donation for the flowers is $100.

Our updated weekly Mass schedule (linked to the daily readings) and Mass/candle intentions can be found here.

Next Sunday’s Readings, July 28, 2024

SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME The Gospel readings for the next few weeks will be from St. John’s Gospel.  Since the Gospel of St. Mark is shorter than the other Synoptic Gospels, a few weeks of this liturgical year are filled with readings from St. John’s Gospel.  The readings will be on the teachings of Jesus about the Eucharist.  Jesus shows the power that He has by multiplying the loaves and feeding a very large crowd.  By working this miracle, Jesus proves that He had the power and could fulfill the promise that He was about to make.  He was going to promise that He would give us His flesh to eat and His blood to drink.  Perhaps the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes may not have happened had the little boy not shared his five barley loaves and two fish.  The miracle of Jesus giving of Himself in the Eucharist may not happen if we do not do our part in preparation for a worthy reception of Him.





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St. Columba Catholic Church