Bulletins and Parish Events

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Parish News

In addition to the news posted on this page, our parish bulletin includes information about the Diocese of Harrisburg and programs and activities such as employment opportunities and specific social and religious events.

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m., we have adoration, confessions (when Father Mowery is available), and the Flame of Love Rosary. This is a wonderful mid-week opportunity for prayer.

If you would like to donate an arrangement of flowers for the altar for a special occasion, special intention, or in memory of a loved one, please call or visit the parish office.  The donation for the flowers is $100.

Our updated weekly Mass schedule (linked to the daily readings) and Mass/candle intentions can be found here.

Next Sunday’s Readings,January 12, 2024

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

With the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Jesus certainly did not need to be baptized by John the Baptist, because John’s baptism was one of repentance.  However, Jesus told John the Baptist to perform the ritual because of the significance of what would happen.  At the Jordan, the Father said that Jesus was His beloved Son and that He was well pleased with Him; the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus, and Jesus began His public life. This was another Epiphany, another manifestation of Jesus as our Savior.

When we were baptized, the Father told us that we were His beloved children.  The Spirit came down upon us, and everything that we did after Baptism glorified and praised God.  We are baptized only once, but we are called to live out our baptism each day, aware of the relationship with God and aware that we are to live each day for Him









Views: 522

Weekly Homilies

Weekly Homilies

A homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after a scripture has been read. The purpose of the homily is to provide insight into the meaning of the scripture and relate it to the lives of the parishioners of the church.

Saint Columba Church records each Sunday’s homily and offers them here to you for reflection or a deeper understanding of the scripture.

Listen to Father Mowery/Deacon Tom Conlin’s most recent homilies below:

Views: 147

Special Mass Videos

St. Columba Church Mass Videos and More

PLEASE VISIT AND SUBSCRIBE TO OUR ST. COLUMBA CHURCH YOUTUBE CHANNEL! With 200+ Special Masses, Daily and Sunday Masses, and Music-Inspired videos, you can share our various celebrations of faith, hope, and love any day, any time.

My Jesus,
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.

To Mike Zarrett, owner of Towne Camera in Bloomsburg, for his gracious sharing of two most amazing lenses for us to use these past several years to record our Daily, Holyday, and Sunday Masses.

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St. Columba Catholic Church