Point yourself in the right direction now; when you are older, you won’t be lost
Joining a group will give you a sense of belonging. When you feel “at home” and “safe” at youth ministries, you are most likely to stay actively involved. Our youth activities and organizations are filled with meaningful teaching, discussion, worship, and relationships, everything that will keep you coming back.
Our groups will give you the opportunity to develop your skills through service or leadership projects with others of your own age.
Saint Columba Parish has many ways for you to become involved. All activities are supervised by adults with state and federal clearances and each one meets in a Parish facility.
Take a look at the list below and see where your talents lead you. Get in touch with the organization’s contact person and be part of our Parish.
Views: 225
Biddy Basketball
Attention Saint Columba Parishioner:
It is time to sign up for this year’s Saint Columba’s Biddy Basketball program! This is a great opportunity to give your child a chance to learn about the game of basketball, be a part of a team and have fun! It does not matter if your child has never played before or has a few years of experience, all are welcome to play! Speaking as a parent of multiple children who have played in this program, I can honestly say it is a great opportunity for your child to learn, improve and play. This program balances learning the skills of the game as well as the importance of teamwork and cheering on/encouraging each other; both important for all sports!
Who: Boys or Girls Grade K-3 What: Biddy Basketball (this includes practices and games)
Where: St Columba Gym (practices and games will be held here)
When: . Biddy Basketball will run the week of 1/20/25 through 3/3/25. Practices/games will be Mondays, Thursdays and Sundays during those weeks. Times will be in the evening during the week and in the afternoon on the weekends. An official schedule will be handed out at the first practice. First practice will be 1/20/25 from 5:30-6:30.
Sign ups for Biddy Basketball will close on Wednesday 1/15/25.
Looking forward to the season!! Register online or call the office!
. Any questions, please ask! kminemyer@berwicksd.org
Hope to see you and your child on the court soon!
Views: 8
Boy Scouts
The Boy Scouts of America (the BSA) is one of the largest Scouting organizations in the United States of America and one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than 2.4 million youth participants and nearly one million adult volunteers.
Scouts BSA are also inviting boys in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grades to join Troop 24. The troop meets every Tuesday evening as well from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the School Cafeteria. For more information, you may contact Ed Dilg at 570-204-2994, April Carl at 570-336-4281, or Rose Marie Rhoads at 570-854-1756. Bring a friend! We look forward to meeting you!
The BSA was founded in 1910, and since then, more than 110 million Americans have been participants in BSA programs at some time. The BSA is part of the international Scout Movement and became a founding member organization of the World Organization of the Scout Movement in 1922.
The BSA’s goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities, educational programs, and, at older age levels, career-oriented programs in partnership with community organizations. For younger members, the Scout method is part of the program to instill typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoors skills, through a variety of activities such as camping, aquatics, and hiking.
Views: 1
Brownies (Currently inactive)
For girls in grades 2 – 3: Girl Scouts in the Brownie® program are ready to take on the world, and Girl Scouts lets them do just that! They want to learn new things and show off what they know. They want to explore the world and meet new people. And they want to do big things that make them feel great!
At Girl Scouts, she’ll take that first hike in the great outdoors, visit a science museum, and band together as a mighty Brownie team to sell cookies (and use some of the money to help others). Life is good when you’re a Brownie!

Carol Moore
Views: 30
Cadette Scouts (Currently inactive)
We meet on Mondays from 6-7:30 pm, upstairs in the Parish Center.
For girls in grades 6 – 8: Making true-blue friends, saving the planet, standing up against stereotypes, using their team power for the greater good—that’s what being a Girl Scout Cadette is all about.
Cadettes blaze new trails in the wilderness, write and direct their own movies, take the stage for public speaking, make delicious meals from around the world, and pick up tools to do some woodworking. Their curiosity and imagination lead the way as they try all kinds of new experiences.

Views: 0
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouting develops confident, faithful, moral, responsible, honest boys in our community. Our ministry began in the late 1980s to encourage boys 6-12 to do their best in fun activities with the purpose of developing positive characteristics and values.
SCOUTS BSA is inviting all elementary boys and girls to join the Scouts BSA at the St. Columba Church Pack 24. The Pack Meetings are held every Tuesday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Church Cafeteria. All interested parties may contact the Columbia Montour BSA at 570-784-2700, April Carl at 570-336-4281, or Rose Marie Rhoads at 570-854-1756. We are looking forward to meeting you – bring a friend! We have a great time with outdoor activities and many more events.
We are affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America and volunteers must have clearances.
We sponsor an annual popcorn and peanut sale, collect food for the food bank and clean up litter in our church as at Camp Lavigne.

Bill Harding, Lori Harding
Views: 0
Catholic Youth Education Program
Our Mission: “Our future together in Faith is to teach our children to know, love, and serve God and his people in the Catholic tradition.”
Our Philosophy: The Religious Education Program at St. Columba Church exists to aid parents—the primary educators of their children—in preparing their children to come to full maturity in the Christian life. Parents who decide to homeschool their children, either for all subject areas or religious formation alone, are expected to contact their Pastor, or his delegate, to indicate their intentions.
The Parish is the Eucharistic Community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the Catechesis of children and parents (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2223).
The Religious Education Program of Saint Columba Parish follows the guidelines of the Diocese of Harrisburg. Mass, prayer, Bible and religious reading, and class are the foundation of our faith!
Curriculum: CYE students from Kindergarten through Grade 8 use the diocesan-approved textbook BLEST ARE WE, Faith and Word Edition. This textbook is Catechism referenced.
Our High School Curriculum includes the Bible, the Catechism, and guest speakers.
Applied learning is evident in the many charitable activities students participate in throughout the school year.
For more about CYE, check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website.
Dr . James Gregory
Director of Religious Education
570.784.0801 Ext. 4
CYE: 2023-2024 School Year – What to do first
Click on the Download button for each document.
Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the cafeteria. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Confirmation and First Communion are both held in the spring.
Please let us know if you have attended the religious education program in a different parish. To participate in CYO, your child must participate in CYE. Coaches will periodically check to see if this requirement is being met.
CYE exists to assist parents to educate their children into their Catholic faith. For CYE to do this, we need your assistance to teach and support the CYE Program. We are looking for substitute teachers for most grade levels. Please contact Joe Mullen at 784-0801 for additional information.
Views: 63
Girl Scouts / Senior & Ambassador Level (Currently inactive)
Tuesdays in the cafeteria from 6:00 to 7:00 pm.
For girls in grades 9 – 12 – Our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who will make this world a better place. Girl Scouting is designed to build leaders from every girl through empowerment.
Each meeting is designed to allow girls to “discover, connect, and take action.”
Membership is open to all girls, regardless of nationality or religious affiliations. We sponsor monthly service projects and hold two national fundraisers including a Spring sale of Girl Scout Cookies.

Carol Moore
Views: 0
Jr. Girl Scouts
We meet on Mondays from 6-7:30 pm, upstairs in the Parish Center.
For girls in grades 4 – 5: Want to meet a real-life superhero? Just talk to a Girl Scout Junior who wakes up every day ready to play a new role.
Juniors are explorers when they go camping for the first time. They’re CEOs when they market and sell cookies. They’re scientists when they perform energy audits and go on nature walks. And they’re product designers and writers when they earn their Innovation and Storytelling badges. Not to mention change-makers, big-idea thinkers, and future leaders. Superheroes, indeed!

Carol Moore
Views: 0
Vacation Bible School
SAVE THE DATE: VBS will be held here at St. Columba from Monday, July 29 to Friday, August 2, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The theme is “SCUBA – diving into friendship with God”. VBS is open to children from K to grade 6 as of the fall of 2024. Registration will be available online beginning May 1 (Pre-registration is HIGHLY encouraged). Payment will be collected on day one of VBS or can be dropped off at the church office. Cost is $20/child. Walk-ins are $25/child. Looking for volunteers to run a few of the stations and to help with crews. Youth volunteers can be anyone 7th grade or older. You must have your clearances if you are 18 and over. Please contact kekonkolics@gmail.com or 570-441-3459 if you are interested in helping. questions. We look forward to seeing YOU!


Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a ministry outreach our church provides to educate children about God.

Karen Konkolics
Views: 26
Youth Activities Programs
Youth Services at St. Columba Parish
Proposed Calendar and Tentative Plan for 2025
Director: Sister Suzanne
Dear Parents,
On this feast of the Holy Family I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and many blessings as you grow your family in love and goodness!
Our St. Nick’s party in December taught me how much better it is to have the whole group of children together from Kdgn. through Gr. 5. Opportunities abound for the older children to help and play games with the younger ones. Some younger children thrive in forming relationships with older children. I think this is more convenient for parents who have a young child and an older one. They can come together.
So I am having just one Kids Peace Club each month as we go forward.
This is the new schedule Peace Club Grades K-5 Schedule for 2025:
Jan. 10, Feb. 7, Mar. 7, April 25, and May 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 in St. Columba’s cafeteria and gym.
I hope this will work in your schedule so you will bring your child for Gospel values through fun, games, stories, art, movement, food and so much more.
Thank you for your interest, cooperation and support as we offer our children a place to gather and create community in our parish.
Blessings for a true year of HOPE,
Sister Suzanne
Dear Parents,
On this feast of the Holy Family I want to thank you for your support and presence at the Christmas Chorale. Our young people had an outstanding experience of delighting so many. This coming New Year of Hope will be no exception for opportunities.
This new and revised YOUTH GROUP schedule:
is subject to change, but for now, is as follows:
On Jan. 12 at 2:30 to 4:00 at Maria Joseph Manor at 1707 Montour Blvd. in Danville, we will play Bingo with the residents. We will also practice our one song for the following Sunday.
On Jan. 19 at 2:00 we will sing one song, Peace is Flowing Like a River, at an Ecumenical Service for the Holy Year at our SSCM Basilica at our St. Methodius Convent at 1002 Railroad St. in Danville. Several churches will be represented from various faith traditions. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend, too. Attire for our young people needs to be dress up! Our young people will be featured in front of the Basilica! Probably talent scouts will be among the guests since the word was out after the Christmas Chorale!!
On Feb. 9, from 4:00 to 5:30 we will be creating and working with leather with Mr. Ed Dilg in the cafeteria.
On Feb. 23 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will watch a movie and have a short discussion afterwards with snacks.
On Mar. 2 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will celebrate Mardi Gras by making brownies and deciding how we will spend Lent in some kind of service.
On Mar. 16 we will engage in some kind of service still to be determined.
On April 6 we will practice from 4:00 to 5:30 for the following Sunday’s Stations of the Cross in church.
On April 13, Palm Sunday at 3:00 we will lead a contemporary version of the Stations of the Cross for the parish. A pizza party for the youth group, their parents and guests follows. Arrival that day needs to be at 2:30.
On May 4 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will go to Hunter’s for group relay games, volleyball and board games with a selection of food as well as ice cream.
On May 18 at 3:00 at our Basilica, which Bishop Senior has asked to be a pilgrimage site during the Holy Year, our Sister Debbie will give a tour of the Basilica for the Youth Group and parents. She will make it very contemporary and fascinating. Refreshments will follow. The Youth Group will receive a special badge for attending.
On June 8 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will have some kind of celebration for the end of the school year with a party.
On July 12 our SSCM Sisters have our Summer Festival on our grounds from 10:30 to 4:30. I will be asking for help from the Youth Group to coordinate the children’s games with me.
I am open to suggestions from parents for any ideas that you may want to share with me.
Please let me know if your child will come to the Jan. events so I can plan accordingly.
Blessings for a New Year of peace and justice for all,
Sister Suzanne
Please use this link to register each child for a program.
A New Youth Program at Saint Columba!
Kids Peace Club –The Bear Cubs and the Doves
The Bear Cubs – K- 2
The Doves – Gr. 3- 5
Youth Group and Christ Wants More
Youth Group – Grades 6 – 12
Christ Wants More – Grades 9-12

Views: 274