Youth Group

I hope you will encourage your child/children to attend our April Youth Group Gathering!

When: Sunday, April 21 from 3:00 to 4:30pm 

Where:  Hunter’s Dairy Freez ( I have reserved the pavilion)

Why:  Play Group Games, Board Games(if it rains) and Volleyball

Ice cream treats await!!
Please RSVP by Friday, April 19.  Hoping to see the preteens and teens.  Lots of fun in the great outdoors celebrating our great planet EARTH!!
Blessings,Sister Suzanne

Youth Group 2023-24


June miniature golf

July P-Nut Bowl

August Group Games atHunters Ice Cream

Sept REESE Farm tour and Picnic

October  Servant Leadership Award ceremony for teens at the SSCM motherhouse 

November Went to see the movie, Journey to Bethlehem

December Christmas Caroling at Nursing Homes


January Bowling at P-Nut Bowl

February 25— Crafts with Maria Joseph Manor residents

Sunday March 24 which is Palm Sunday, “Stations of the Cross for our Times” at St. Columba Church,  The young people must arrive at 1:30 for a practice. The Stations, which are approximately one hour in length will begin at 3:00 pm for the whole parish.  A pizza party will follow for the teens and their parents in the cafeteria. Three hours of community service will be granted to the teen. Since these are contemporary Stations, the teens will be wearing special silk-screen tee shirts and jeans or dark slacks.  I need a response from you if your child will be present and the size and color, only a deep purple or a lime green tee shirt which the parish is providing. This is a contemporary experience of global problems still occurring in our world with Jesus at the center and our hope.We will be challenged to respond by helping and responding to needs around us. This prayer service will be approximately one hour in length. Please come and start Holy Week supporting our young people and praying with us on the road to Calvary. An offering will be taken up for Catholic Relief Services. Sister Suzanne and adults from the Justice Circle will be lectors while the preteens and teens will remind us in graphic ways what it is to follow Jesus. 

April  TBA

May 19th Parent/ Teen Retreat St. Cyril ‘s and Motherhouse of SSCMs

Visits: 112

St. Columba Catholic Church