Youth Activities Programs

Youth Services at St. Columba Parish

Proposed Calendar and Tentative Plan for 2025

Director: Sister Suzanne

Dear Parents,

On this feast of the Holy Family I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and many blessings as you grow your family in love and goodness! 

Our St. Nick’s party in December taught me how much better it is to have the whole group of children together from Kdgn. through Gr. 5.  Opportunities abound for the older children to help and play games with the younger ones.  Some younger children thrive in forming relationships with older children.  I think this is more convenient for parents who have a young child and an older one.  They can come together.

So I am having just one Kids Peace Club each month as we go forward

 This is the new schedule Peace Club Grades K-5 Schedule for 2025: 

Jan. 10, Feb. 7, Mar.  7, April 25, and May 16 from 5:30 to 7:30 in St. Columba’s cafeteria and gym.

I hope this will work in your schedule so you will bring your child for Gospel values through fun, games, stories, art, movement, food and so much more.

Thank you for your interest, cooperation and support as we offer our children a place to gather and create community in our parish.

Blessings for a true year of HOPE,

Sister Suzanne

Dear Parents,

On this feast of the Holy Family I want to thank you for your support and presence at the Christmas Chorale.  Our young people had an outstanding experience of delighting so many.  This coming New Year of Hope will be no exception for opportunities.

This new and revised YOUTH GROUP schedule:

is subject to change, but for now, is as follows:

On Jan. 12 at 2:30 to 4:00 at Maria Joseph Manor at 1707 Montour Blvd. in Danville, we will play Bingo with the residents. We will also practice our one song for the following Sunday.

On Jan. 19 at 2:00 we will sing one song, Peace is Flowing Like a River, at an Ecumenical Service for the Holy Year at our SSCM Basilica at our St. Methodius Convent at 1002 Railroad St. in Danville. Several churches will be represented from various faith traditions. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend, too. Attire for our young people needs to be dress up! Our young people will be featured in front of the Basilica!  Probably talent scouts will be among the guests since the word was out after the Christmas Chorale!!

On Feb. 9, from 4:00 to 5:30 we will be creating and working with leather with Mr. Ed Dilg in the cafeteria.

On Feb. 23 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will watch a movie and have a short discussion afterwards with snacks.

On Mar. 2 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will celebrate Mardi Gras by making brownies and deciding how we will spend Lent in some kind of service.

On Mar. 16 we will engage in some kind of service still to be determined.

On April 6 we will practice from 4:00 to 5:30 for the following Sunday’s Stations of the Cross in church.

On April 13, Palm Sunday at 3:00 we will lead a contemporary version of the Stations of the Cross for the parish.  A pizza party for the youth group, their parents and guests follows. Arrival that day needs to be at 2:30.

On May 4 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will go to Hunter’s for group relay games, volleyball and board games with a selection of food as well as ice cream.

On May 18 at 3:00 at our Basilica, which Bishop Senior has asked to be a pilgrimage site during the Holy Year, our Sister Debbie will give a tour of the Basilica for the Youth Group and parents.  She will make it very contemporary and fascinating.  Refreshments will follow.  The Youth Group will receive a special badge for attending.

On June 8 from 4:00 to 5:30 we will have some kind of celebration for the end of the school year with a party. 

On July 12 our SSCM Sisters have our Summer Festival on our grounds from 10:30 to 4:30. I will be asking for help from the Youth Group to coordinate the children’s games with me.

I am open to suggestions from parents for any ideas that you may want to share with me.

Please let me know if your child will come to the Jan. events so I can plan accordingly.

Blessings for a New Year of peace and justice for all,

Sister Suzanne

Please use this link to register each child for a program.

A New Youth Program at Saint Columba!

Kids Peace Club –The Bear Cubs and the Doves

The Bear Cubs – K- 2

The Doves – Gr. 3- 5

Youth Group and Christ Wants More

Youth Group – Grades 6 – 12

Christ Wants More – Grades 9-12

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St. Columba Catholic Church