Contact our Staff and Facilities

Mission Statement

Nurturing our congregation. Connecting with our community.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and committed to the worship of God the Father, St. Columba Roman Catholic Church strives to develop, support, and maintain a strong family spirit by instilling a love of God and neighbor in all its members. As we participate fully in the liturgy, reflect on the Word of God, and receive the Sacraments, we continue in our faith formation.  Our members are encouraged to share their time, talent, and treasure to provide outreach through various ministries and to respond compassionately to the needs of others in our Parish, community, and the world.

Scroll down for a brief introduction to the church staff.

You can get in touch with any member of our staff to talk, ask questions, and learn more about St. Columba Parish.

Our community is blessed with passionate, dedicated leaders who love what they do and are excited to learn about what you love too. Drawing from their different backgrounds, talents, and experiences, our staff members support St. Columba’s ongoing learning and growth. They work to build a strong community that lives its vision and is actively shaped by each person in it.

Our office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

St. Columba Parish Staff

Father Richard J. Mowery, Pastor
Father Richard J. Mowery, Pastor
570.784.0801 Ext. 3
Catherine A. Chayko, Director of Liturgical Music/Bulletin/Website
Catherine A. Chayko, Director of Liturgical Music/Bulletin/Website
570.784.0801 Ext. 5
Mr. Ed Dilg, Maintenance
Mr. Ed Dilg, Maintenance
(570) 784-0801 x 107
Mrs. Chris Dilg, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Chris Dilg, Administrative Assistant
570.784.0801 Ext 0

Dr. James Gregory, Director of Religious Education
Dr. James Gregory, Director of Religious Education
(570) 784-0801 x 4
Mrs. Deanna McKinnon, Administrative Manager
Mrs. Deanna McKinnon, Administrative Manager
570.784.0801 Ext 107
Mrs. Lori Traupman, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lori Traupman, Administrative Assistant
570.784.0801 Ext 0
Deacon Tom Conlin
Deacon Tom Conlin
(570) 784-0801 x 108
Sister Suzanne Duzen
Sister Suzanne Duzen
(570) 784-0801

Our Facilities

Outside image of our parish church

St. Columba Church

342 Iron Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1824
Parish Website
Parish Facebook Page

Parish Center

St. Columba Parish Center

342 Iron Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1824
570-784-0801 Email:

Parish School

St. Columba School

40 East Third Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1824

Bloomsburg Food Cupboard

Bloomsburg Food Cupboard

329 Center Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1824
(570) 387-2607

Mailing Address
342 Iron Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1824

Christ the King Church, Benton Mission

Christ the King Mission

297 Mendelhall Road
Benton, PA 17814

Bloomburg University Catholic Campus Ministry

Bloomsburg University Catholic Campus Ministry

353 East Second Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815

About Our Logo

Parish Logo

In Christian traditions, the dove (Latin: Columba) appears as a symbol and as a Eucharistic vessel. As a symbol of the Holy Spirit, it appears especially in representations of the baptism of Our Lord ( Matthew 3:16 ) and of Pentecost. St. Gregory the Great (590-604) is generally shown with a dove on his shoulder, symbolizing inspiration or rather Divine guidance. In general, the symbol occurs frequently in connection with early representations of baptism. As a symbol of the Church, a dove is an agent through which the Holy Spirit works on earth.

The colored blocks are representative icons of our church’s unique window design.

Thanks to Jessica Rubenstein for the finished design.

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St. Columba Catholic Church