Saint Columba School

Sadly, our beloved parish school has closed after seventy years of serving as a beacon of light in our community. As one parish family, we grieve this loss, pray, and move forward with trust and hope. Our parish remains ever firm in our mission of discipleship, seeking sustenance and guidance from our Eucharistic Lord.

St. Columba, pray for us!

Dear Families, Friends, Parishioners, and Alumni, 

             We are deeply grateful for your presence and support at St. Columba School’s (SCS) final school year closing Mass with Bishop Timothy Senior. Although a bittersweet occasion, your attendance made the event truly special. It was especially joyful to see the reuniting of SCS Alumni who created special school friendships and had the opportunity to visit with each other. We are thankful for the sense of community you bring to our school and Parish.  A heartfelt thank you goes out to everyone who contributed a dish to share. Your generosity and delicious offerings were enjoyed by all those who attended creating a memorable event to live in our hearts for many years to come. Your unwavering support and participation are a testament to the dedicated bonds within our St. Columba family. We look forward to your continued prayers and love as we look to the future. 

With sincere gratitude, 

Mary Lenzini Howe, SCS principal 

SCS Class of 1969

School Website

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St. Columba Catholic Church