Angels for Life

Angels for Life was born in 1995 when a group of St. Columba Parishioners convened to discuss how we could bring awareness and education to our Parish on the sacredness of all human life.  

We have had several big projects over the years and have our regular yearly events: the Pro-Life Fair Booth, Life-Chain, March for Life, the Renaissance Booth, the Mother’s’ Day Carnation Sale, and participation in the fundraisers for Your Loving Choices (our local Crisis Pregnancy Center).

We also educate through bulletin articles and a bulletin board in the cafeteria (which will also be used for other Parish service groups). We have an ‘Angels’ Action Alert’ email list to inform of upcoming legislation dealing with protection for the lives of all from the preborn child to the infirmed elderly.  

Our hope and goal is help create a culture in our churches and in all of society in which human life is respected and dignified the way God intended.


Rhonda Dougherty

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St. Columba Catholic Church