Music Ministry

“If we can but sense it, every time a congregation sings, it is offering an absolutely

one-time-only gift to its Maker.” -John Bell …SCROLL DOWN FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL MUSIC MINISTRY PAGE!

The primary liturgical instrument at Mass is not the organ, or guitar, or piano. It is the human voice. Therefore, the Music Ministries are not performers; our efforts are directed in facilitating voices raised in prayerful song. I would be thrilled to discuss your involvement in this ministry, just give a call or send me an email. –Catherine Chayko, Director of Music Ministry ( 570.784.0801 Ext. 5)

On Facebook? Like our Page!

Want to see our Virtual Choir Videos? Check here .

St. Columba’s Music Ministry has formed a Virtual Choir, and recently we have created the following music videos:

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You

Rain Down

A Voice Cries Out

Roll Away the Stone

Joy to the World/Gloria

In These Days of Lenten Journey


The Sung Exodus Reading

Ubi Caritas

Getting married? Congratulations!!!! Check out this Youtube link to listen to some of our wedding music.

St. Columba Music Ministry’s Wedding Music YouTube Channel

Views: 233

Adult Choir

When God asks us to sing a new song, it is because

God believes that we can.  – John Bell

About Adult Choir

Adult Choir can change your life. Together, we pray, laugh, deepen our faith, build community, and learn to sing in a way that encourages the participation and involvement of our Parish community. It is our goal to reach hearts, change lives, and express, through transcendent music, the love of our Lord. Become a part of this fantastic family!

The adult choir accepts teens also if weekly Tuesday night practice can fit into their schedules. The occasional missed practice is accessible online via Dropbox. Reading music and/or vocal training is helpful, but definitely not necessary. Very few Parishioners have these credentials!

If you like a vibrant singing experience at Mass, then please be a part of our choir. “We are the ones that we are waiting for.” We sing from September through Corpus Christi Sunday (in June). We also have an exciting relationship with Fr. John Judie Ministries,  raising money for the impoverished children of Tanzania.

Adult Choir Practice Schedule

Tuesdays 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm, Sundays 10:00 am in the St. Cecilia practice room on the first floor of the Parish Center. Open extra rehearsal time at 9:30 am Sundays.

ADULT CHOIR resumes after our summer break on Tuesday evening, September 3, 2024, at 6:45 p.m.  New members are welcome!   Contact Cathy for information and assistance with vocal placement.

Liturgies: Sundays 10:30 am Masses and Holy Days, 7:00 pm Masses.

Here is our present music schedule:


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5


Cathy’s How-to Video

Virtual Choir Playlist for our parish

Some helpful Links:

Views: 46

Bell Choir

“Golden Bells! What a world of happiness their harmony foretells.” – Edgar Allen Poe

About Bell Choir

The Bell Choir plays once a month on Wednesday evenings from September-May/June, excluding Lent.  Our 2-octave Bell Choir is in need of more ringers!

If you are interested in helping to fund the third octave of bells for our choir, please contact Catherine Chayko, Director of Music Ministries.

Bell Choir videos:

Exultate Deo by Jill Fedon, Dr. William Payn Conducting
Nittany Valley Handbell Festival, Bellefont, PA, 4/6/19

The entire Nittany Valley Handbell Festival, Bellefont, PA, 4/6/19

St. Columba Parish Bell Choir at the 2019 Nittany Valley Handbell Festival


Leslie Sweigart
Bell Choir Director
570 387-1224

Views: 46

Cantors and Psalmists

Our cantors and psalmists are musical leaders that love the voice of the assembly.

About Cantors and Psalmists

Our cantors and psalmists are not performers; they are liturgical facilitators of congregational song. Ideally, psalmists and cantors are active, confirmed members of the congregation, with the ability to proclaim, and give life, to the Word of God. These leaders breathe with the assembly, cuing them with gestures, eye contact, and prayerfulness. At the same time, our cantors and psalmists actively try to remove any stylistic inflections from their musical delivery, attempting a kind of musical invisibility so that we do not draw attention to the singer, but instead are encouraged to join in rather than just listen. Let us know if you are interested in being trained as a cantor or psalmist.


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5

Views: 39


Begin the music, strike the timbrel, play the melodious harp and lyre. – Psalm 81:2

About Instrumentalists

Currently, we don’t have any harpists or timbrels in our liturgical music program, but we do often integrate other instruments such as percussion, guitars, flute, violin, and clarinet.

We are always interested in growing this ministry. Our rehearsals involve reading music in many different key signatures and time signatures. Our goal is to beautify our liturgies without overpowering the community song.


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5

Views: 8

Resurrection Choir

Come, follow me, and I will give you rest. – Bob Dufford, S.J.

About the Resurrection Choir

Members of the Resurrection Choir come together for Parish funerals, supporting and comforting the bereaved through the gift of song leadership.

Many members are retired and therefore available for funerals which are usually in the morning. New members are always welcome. Any adult singer or instrumentalist whose schedule permits flexibility on some weekday and Saturday mornings is welcome and invited.; this choir generally does not rehearse but we may occasionally rehearse to learn a new piece if time permits.

We ask that you try and assemble 15 minutes before the funeral so that we can be organized and fully prepared. Members are notified on our Facebook page, via email, and/or by reading the local newspaper.


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5

Views: 17

Teen Choir

As young Christians, you are not only a part of the future of the Church; you are also a necessary and beloved part of the Church’s present. You are the present of the Church.
– Pope Francis

About Teen Choir

Teen Choir is for teens and young adults (we have no specific age parameters!). We gather together a few times a year, usually once in the summer, once during advent, and sometimes also during Lent.

We tend to incorporate more rhythmic, contemporary music but also do not stray far from the voice of the community and the Parish repertoire.

We are ever-changing, depending on who’s available, and practice right before Mass. Please indicate your willingness to be updated regarding practices by emailing Catherine Chayko.


Teen choir is on temporary hiaturs


Sundays 10:30 am Mass as scheduled


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5

Views: 35

Youth Choir – St. Columba Choristers

My new song must float like a feather on the breath of God. –Hildegard of Bingen

About the Saint Columba Choristers

Co-led by Catherine Chayko and Victoria Parker. Keep their tender hearts close to God with the choir! If your child loves to sing and can read well (usually 1st or 2nd grade), then please consider the youth choir of St. Columba Parish.

It is an excellent way to educate children in the parts and meaning of the Mass, the role of ministry, and ground them in participation in the musical repertoire of the church. Plus, we have fun!
This Fall, the children will sing alongside the Adult Choir at the 10:30 Mass to build confidence and sound! On Christmas Eve, the kids will sing at the 5:00 p.m. Mass.

We rehearse monthly on Mondays in the St. Cecilia Choir Room.

  • Monday, September 9, 4:00-5:15 p.m. rehearsal for
  • Sunday, September 15 10:30 a.m. Mass with Adult Choir
  • Monday, October 14, 4:00-5:15 p.m. rehearsal for
  • Sunday, October 20 10:30 a.m. Mass with Adult Choir
  • Monday, November 18, 4:00-5:15 p.m. rehearsal for
  • Sunday, November 24 10:30 a.m. Mass with Adult Choir
  • Monday, December 16 and 23, 4:00-5:15 p.m. rehearsal for
  • Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve 5:00 p.m. Mass

Questions can be directed to Catherine Chayko

PLEASE EMAIL Cathy to get on the reminder list!


Victoria Parker or Catherine Chayko

Views: 64

St. Columba Catholic Church