Expanding My Faith: Weekly Column

Send questions to: DRE@saintcolumbachurch.org and place “Q’s Pews” in the subject line. All questions are answered and kept confidential. If your question is used in the column, it will remain anonymous. James Gregory, DRE

“Fide quaerens Intellectum”

“Always be prepared to make a defense … for the hope that is in you … with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15)

“Q’s from the Pews”

Q’s from the Pews:  What is Holy Indifference?

Indifference: an attitude of submission and not caring. Today’s relativism (“This is my way of thinking, so it’s okay”) has made indifference the standard for morals and ethicsWhy then would the church call us to Holy Indifference, and at the same time ask us to resist the evil of relativism?  St. Ignatius of Loyola referred to Holy Indifference as a state of spirituality wherein one does not prefer one condition of life over another.  Job relates a similar concept when he states, “Shall we accept only good from God and not accept adversity (evil)?” (Job 2:10b) St. John of the Cross stated it in a more challenging way: “Strive always to prefer, not that which is easiest, but that which is most difficult.” (ASM 1:13.6)   Jesus reminded us that, “one cannot love both mammon (wealth) and God, (and that) it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of needle than a rich man to enter heaven” (Mt 6:24, 19:24).   Jesus called the rich man to Holy Indifference stating that to “be perfect” he should “sell all he has” so that he “will have treasure in heaven.”  (Mt 19: 21)

Holy Indifference focuses our desire on God, not created things. Created things, though good, do not provide one with true freedom or lasting happiness.  Holy Indifference (not seeking to desire one creation over another) allows your heart to rest in God; the source of ultimate happiness. “For where your treasure is there your heart will be also” (Mt 6:21). Aligning our desires primarily towards God is how we fight evil. Ordo Amoris!


Send questions to: DRE@saintcolumbachurch.org and place “Q’s Pews” in the subject. All questions are answered and kept confidential.

Catholic Challenge for March

How should I care for myself as someone made in the Image of God?

Totally Catholic Trivia

 St Ignatius of Loyola spent years trying to discern how he could follow God’s Will.  Everything he tried failed! He remained in Rome, at the Pope’s command, administering the order he founded: The Jesuits. Something he did not want to do, but ultimately resulting the Jesuits spreading education throughout the world.











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St. Columba Catholic Church