Parish News

Parishioners are welcome and encouraged to purchase Smart Money gift cards. We sell gift cards after weekend Masses in the cafeteria or during the week in the parish office. Please purchase gift cards through St. Columba for groceries, restaurants, gas, shopping, etc., and monetary rewards will come directly to St. Columba Religious Education. You may also order online at or you can also use the Raise Right Fundraising App on your phone. Call the school or parish office for the enrollment code to place your first order.

FORMED Christmas Gift

The Office of Religious Education at St Columba has arranged for every member of the Parish to have access to Formed.Org. , the education site of the Augustine Institute.  This site has thousands of resources for all ages in faith formation.  You can create your own account for FREE.  Some of our future Bible Studies will use Formed so that more of you can participate even from home.    Parents, The Catholic Parent on FORMED features real Catholic parents sharing their struggles and victories. Through The Catholic Parent, the Catholic families will find solidarity and encouragement as they embrace their vital role as formators of their children. This is a wonderful series and very relatable to the “real life” of trying to live your faith in a house full of the chaos of parenting. even from home.  Watch the trailer here!

In addition to the news posted on this page, our parish bulletin includes information about the Diocese of Harrisburg and programs and activities such as employment opportunities and specific social and religious events.

Looking for servers grade 4 and up. Specifically looking for young people who can serve the Saturday 5:00 p.m. Mass. Please call or text Karen Konkolics at 570-441-3459 or email at

On Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m., we have adoration, confessions (when Father Mowery is available), and the Flame of Love Rosary. This is a wonderful mid-week opportunity for prayer.

If you would like to donate an arrangement of flowers for the altar for a special occasion, special intention, or in memory of a loved one, please call or visit the parish office.  The donation for the flowers is $100.

Our updated weekly Mass schedule (linked to the daily readings) and Mass/candle intentions can be found here.

Next Sunday’s Readings May 12, 2024


It feels good when someone says that they are praying for us.  How reassuring it is that, at the Last Supper, Jesus prayed for all of us, His disciples.  It was not only those disciples that lived at the time that Jesus walked this earth, but all of us down through the ages.  He prayed that we would be one with Him, that we would be protected from the evil one, and that we would have His joy.  He prayed that we would be in the world, but not of it.



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St. Columba Catholic Church