Catholic Youth Education Program (CYE)

Our Mission: “Our future together in Faith is to teach our children to know, love, and serve God and his people in the Catholic tradition.”

Our Philosophy: The Religious Education Program at St. Columba Church in full agreement with Catholic Church Teaching promotes PARENTS as the primary educators of THEIR children. Our programs are designed to SUPPORT Parents in preparing their children to come to full maturity in the Christian life. Parents who decide to homeschool their children, will be supported by our Religious Education Office and welcome to attend the Family Education day.

Curriculum: CYE students from Kindergarten through Grade 8 use USCCB-approved curricula. Our formal Sunday School program is a hybrid that uses traditional classes along with Family Faith education. The Parish School holds formal religious education classes for each grade. Synergistically with these classes our teachers integrate the Catholic faith into each of their traditional classes emphasizing the important interaction of Faith and Reason ( Fide et Ratio encyclical of Pope St John Paul II).

Attention Homeschoolers: You must still register your children with the Director of Religious Education, according to Diocesan regulations. All Religious Education textbooks used in the Diocese of Harrisburg must be found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and listed on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Office for the Catechism.  The Office of Religious Education is responsible by Diocesan regulation for tracking all catechetical education and is here to support you.  Please contact us if you intend to home school. We can provide you with approved curricula list from the USCCB and assist you with the Diocesan guidelines for Sacramental Preparation.

Youth Programs: We offer several programs for our youth outside of the CYE & School. We have an active Youth group (Faith, Fun, Food and Friendship) for 5th – 9th grades that meets monthly during the summer. We offer the weeklong Vacation Bible School (VBS) each year in July for the younger children.

Dr . James Gregory
Director of Religious Education
570.784.0801 Ext. 4

Dr. Gregory’s Biography

Dr. Gregory’s Introduction


The registration Fee for CYE is $30 each for the first 2 children and $15 each for additional Children. Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the gymnasium. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. 

CYE Catechists always welcome

Do you enjoy working with children? Do you find joy when you can teach them something? Do you love you faith and want to grow more in understanding it?  Well CYE teaching is for you.  All you need is a heart filled with love and faith.  We will guide you the rest of the way.  Each of our classes has two teachers, one primary and one back-up.  Consider joining us in a backup role if this is your first time or you just want to learn.  If you feel called to teach at all give me a call or email.  James Gregory (570) 784-0801 x4

CYE: 2024-2025 School Year – What to do first

Register online with the following links:

Returning Students CYE Registration Form

New Student CYE Registration Form

Click on the Download button for each document.

Our tentative 2024-25 schedule is here:

and our Sacramental schedule is here:

Registration documents are below with QR codes for electronic payment, if desired (or you can go directly to the payment portal from this link, or pay in person.)

All students must have an emergency medical authorization each year, but the initial CYE registration only needs to be completed once. Returning students need only fill out the Emergency Medical Authorization Form.

Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the cafeteria. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Confirmation and First Communion are both held in the spring.

Please let us know if you have attended the religious education program in a different parish. To participate in CYO, your child must participate in CYE. Coaches will periodically check to see if this requirement is being met.


CYE CATECHISTS NEEDED: CYE exists to assist parents to educate their children into their Catholic faith. For CYE to do this, we need your assistance to teach and support the CYE Program. We welcome interest in filling this ministry as either a weekly or substitute teacher. What is needed is a love of children, your faith and a desire to share your love of Christ. We will work with you to help you grow in the knowledge needed to serve in youth ministry. Please contact Jim Gregory or (570) 784-0801 x4 for additional information.

ST. COLUMBA JUNIOR CATECHIST PROGRAM: Are you a High School Student who likes to work with children? Do you like to teach or have thought of being a teacher? Do you love your Catholic Faith? If this describes you, then you might be perfect for our Junior Catechist Position. Starting this September, you can join our CYE program and help our Teachers with the Sunday morning CYE classes. If you are interested, please email me and cc: your parent/guardian.

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St. Columba Catholic Church