The Parish is the Eucharistic Community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the Catechesis of children and parents (Catechism of the Catholic Church #2223).
View our Youtube channel here with playlists of videos for faith-building and for parents

Dr . James Gregory
Director of Religious Education
570.784.0801 Ext. 4
Views: 230
Becoming Catholic (OCIA)
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which adults and children over the age of 12 become members of the Catholic Church. The process includes prayer and reflection, the study of the Catholic Christian Faith and way of life.
For more about Christian Initiation of Adults, check out the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ website.

What to do first
Search your Heart and Pray for guidance and discern if your heart is calling you to learn more. OCIA seeks to lead all people to develop and deepen their relationship with Christ through the fullness of the Catholic Faith. We will walk with you on your journey with gentleness and love allowing God to speak to you. Faith Formation sessions are individualized to your faith journey and schedule. You will join us to learn, while your faith and reason guide you to faith. God calls each human to Him, yet he created us with the freedom to choose to respond or not to His call.
If you are already baptized through a valid form of baptism in a mainline Christian denomination then you are already a member of the Catholic Church, but not in full communion with the Catholic Church due to the separation of these denominations from the One Apostolic Church.
Baptized individuals come into full communion with the Catholic Church when they are joined with Christ in the visible structure of the Church through the profession of faith, the reception of the sacraments, and respect and obedience toward those in authority in the Church (CIC, c. 205)
-Visible Church (attend Mass and participate in the actions of the Church on earth)
– Profess the Nicaean Creed (approved by the Magisterium)
– Receive the Sacraments (Believe in the Seven Sacraments of the Church as from Christ)
– Accept by Obedience of Faith the Deposit of Faith
– Through religious intellect and will faithfully submit to the teachings of the Church.
If your prayer leads you to want to learn more Contact our Director of Religious Education Dr. James Gregory with your questions and interest or fill out the Inquirer form below.
Jim Gregory
Director of Adult Education
570.784.0801 Ext. 4
Views: 162
Catholic Youth Education Program (CYE)
Our Mission: “Our future together in Faith is to teach our children to know, love, and serve God and his people in the Catholic tradition.”
Our Philosophy: The Religious Education Program at St. Columba Church in full agreement with Catholic Church Teaching promotes PARENTS as the primary educators of THEIR children. Our programs are designed to SUPPORT Parents in preparing their children to come to full maturity in the Christian life. Parents who decide to homeschool their children, will be supported by our Religious Education Office and welcome to attend the Family Education day.
Curriculum: CYE students from Kindergarten through Grade 8 use USCCB-approved curricula. Our formal Sunday School program is a hybrid that uses traditional classes along with Family Faith education. The Parish School holds formal religious education classes for each grade. Synergistically with these classes our teachers integrate the Catholic faith into each of their traditional classes emphasizing the important interaction of Faith and Reason ( Fide et Ratio encyclical of Pope St John Paul II).
Attention Homeschoolers: You must still register your children with the Director of Religious Education, according to Diocesan regulations. All Religious Education textbooks used in the Diocese of Harrisburg must be found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and listed on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Office for the Catechism. The Office of Religious Education is responsible by Diocesan regulation for tracking all catechetical education and is here to support you. Please contact us if you intend to home school. We can provide you with approved curricula list from the USCCB and assist you with the Diocesan guidelines for Sacramental Preparation.
Youth Programs: We offer several programs for our youth outside of the CYE & School. We have an active Youth group (Faith, Fun, Food and Friendship) for 5th – 9th grades that meets monthly during the summer. We offer the weeklong Vacation Bible School (VBS) each year in July for the younger children.

Dr . James Gregory
Director of Religious Education
570.784.0801 Ext. 4
The registration Fee for CYE is $30 each for the first 2 children and $15 each for additional Children. Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the gymnasium. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation.
CYE Catechists always welcome
Do you enjoy working with children? Do you find joy when you can teach them something? Do you love you faith and want to grow more in understanding it? Well CYE teaching is for you. All you need is a heart filled with love and faith. We will guide you the rest of the way. Each of our classes has two teachers, one primary and one back-up. Consider joining us in a backup role if this is your first time or you just want to learn. If you feel called to teach at all give me a call or email. James Gregory (570) 784-0801 x4
CYE: 2024-2025 School Year – What to do first
Register online with the following links:
Returning Students CYE Registration Form
New Student CYE Registration Form
Click on the Download button for each document.
Our tentative 2024-25 schedule is here:
and our Sacramental schedule is here:
Registration documents are below with QR codes for electronic payment, if desired (or you can go directly to the payment portal from this link, or pay in person.)
All students must have an emergency medical authorization each year, but the initial CYE registration only needs to be completed once. Returning students need only fill out the Emergency Medical Authorization Form.
Once CYE begins, children should meet their teachers and classes in the cafeteria. If your child is entering 1st grade or 7th grade, be sure that you register since the Diocese of Harrisburg requires a two-year preparation program to receive the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Confirmation and First Communion are both held in the spring.
Please let us know if you have attended the religious education program in a different parish. To participate in CYO, your child must participate in CYE. Coaches will periodically check to see if this requirement is being met.
CYE CATECHISTS NEEDED: CYE exists to assist parents to educate their children into their Catholic faith. For CYE to do this, we need your assistance to teach and support the CYE Program. We welcome interest in filling this ministry as either a weekly or substitute teacher. What is needed is a love of children, your faith and a desire to share your love of Christ. We will work with you to help you grow in the knowledge needed to serve in youth ministry. Please contact Jim Gregory or (570) 784-0801 x4 for additional information.
ST. COLUMBA JUNIOR CATECHIST PROGRAM: Are you a High School Student who likes to work with children? Do you like to teach or have thought of being a teacher? Do you love your Catholic Faith? If this describes you, then you might be perfect for our Junior Catechist Position. Starting this September, you can join our CYE program and help our Teachers with the Sunday morning CYE classes. If you are interested, please email me and cc: your parent/guardian.
Views: 353
Home Study
Signup for (Free) to all parishioners.
Daily Bible Reading and or/the Catechism of the Catholic Church–
a New Years Resolution
St. Jerome, who translated the Bible into Latin – the Vulgate, stated, “Not to know the Bible is not to know Jesus Christ.” What an opportunity this New Year brings to know Jesus Christ and God’s Word better by reading the Bible from cover to cover. All it takes is reading 15 minutes daily – by doing so, you will have read the entire Bible in one year. A Bible Reading Guide is available by clicking on the Download button below.
If you read the paragraphs listed each day you will: (1) read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in one year; (2) read from all four parts of the Catechism almost every week; (3) be well versed in the teachings of the Church; and (4) be drawn even closer to God and His Church. Most days we stop reading at a natural break point. So now the 2,557 paragraphs in the Catechism just don’t seem so intimidating when we take it one day at a time! Won’t you join me?
Also, for those who want to study the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church at the same time, Read the Bible and the Catechism in a Year, by CH Resources, will be available in the back of the Church on white flyers.
What an opportunity this New Year brings to know Jesus Christ and God’s Word better by reading the Bible from cover to cover.
Here is a 52-week Catechism reading plan:
YOUCAT/ Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Youth Catechism, which is written in language suitable for young people, deals with the entire Catholic faith as it was presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC of 1997).
For more information about the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Join us for The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)!
With this podcast, Catholics will:
- Read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days
- Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter
- See how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
- Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
- Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness
- Transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.
If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you! Here is the link!
- If you’ve struggled to read the Bible, this VERY POPULAR podcast is for you.
- Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast, hosted by Fr. Mike Schmitz and featuring Jeff Cavins, guides Catholics through the Bible in 365 daily episodes starting January 1st, 2021.
- Each 20-25 minute episode includes:
- Two to three scripture readings
- A reflection from Fr. Mike Schmitz
- A guided prayer to help you hear God’s voice in his Word
- Unlike any other Bible podcast, Ascension’s Bible in a Year Podcast for Catholics follows a reading plan inspired by the Great Adventure Bible Timeline® learning system, a groundbreaking approach to understanding Salvation History developed by renowned Catholic Bible teacher Jeff Cavins.
- Tune in and live your daily life through the lens of God’s word!
- Follow along without an app! Here is the link to the podcast.
Views: 605
Expanding My Faith: Weekly Column
Send questions to: and place “Q’s Pews” in the subject line. All questions are answered and kept confidential. If your question is used in the column, it will remain anonymous. James Gregory, DRE
“Fide quaerens Intellectum”
“Always be prepared to make a defense … for the hope that is in you … with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15)
“Q’s from the Pews”
Q’s from the Pews: What is Holy Indifference?
Indifference: an attitude of submission and not caring. Today’s relativism (“This is my way of thinking, so it’s okay”) has made indifference the standard for morals and ethics. Why then would the church call us to Holy Indifference, and at the same time ask us to resist the evil of relativism? St. Ignatius of Loyola referred to Holy Indifference as a state of spirituality wherein one does not prefer one condition of life over another. Job relates a similar concept when he states, “Shall we accept only good from God and not accept adversity (evil)?” (Job 2:10b) St. John of the Cross stated it in a more challenging way: “Strive always to prefer, not that which is easiest, but that which is most difficult.” (ASM 1:13.6) Jesus reminded us that, “one cannot love both mammon (wealth) and God, (and that) it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of needle than a rich man to enter heaven” (Mt 6:24, 19:24). Jesus called the rich man to Holy Indifference stating that to “be perfect” he should “sell all he has” so that he “will have treasure in heaven.” (Mt 19: 21)
Holy Indifference focuses our desire on God, not created things. Created things, though good, do not provide one with true freedom or lasting happiness. Holy Indifference (not seeking to desire one creation over another) allows your heart to rest in God; the source of ultimate happiness. “For where your treasure is there your heart will be also” (Mt 6:21). Aligning our desires primarily towards God is how we fight evil. Ordo Amoris!
Send questions to: and place “Q’s Pews” in the subject. All questions are answered and kept confidential.
Catholic Challenge for March
How should I care for myself as someone made in the Image of God?
Totally Catholic Trivia
St Ignatius of Loyola spent years trying to discern how he could follow God’s Will. Everything he tried failed! He remained in Rome, at the Pope’s command, administering the order he founded: The Jesuits. Something he did not want to do, but ultimately resulting the Jesuits spreading education throughout the world.
Views: 231
Exploring Your Faith
“Woman what would you have me do?” Acting on these words to Mary, Jesus first revealed himself to the world as the Son of God. Jesus’s first miracle turning water into wine was at the behest of a WOMAN. Women have had a very special and unique Sacred place in Creation since the beginning. This is reflected throughout the Scriptures. Women come and join us:
Monday May 12th at 6pm
Melissa Maleski, the Director of Family and Laity for the Dioceses of Harrisburg and author of the book “The Supreme Vocation of Women according to ST. John Paul II” will present on the special created uniqueness of the feminine. Join us for wine, light Hors d’oevres and a night of faith. To register for this evening:

Exploring Your Faith: Christianity is “an encounter with a Person,” Jesus Christ.
The St. Columba Office of Religious Education has put together a variety of ways in which you can engage with your Faith. These sessions are designed for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the fundamentals of the Catholic Church and the Christian Faith.
- On- line short educational videos and Power Points. Our YouTube channel is regularly updated with videos to inspire and educate you on your journey of faith! Here is a link to the Catholic Faith Journey videos playlist.
- Sunday Infusions of Faith: Short topic presentations offered periodically on Sundays between the 8am and 10:30 Masses. No prep needed, just come and learn.
- Exploring your Faith Courses: These are offered three times a year and cover a topic area in more depth. Sessions are weekly over 5-6 six weeks, and offered in both at AM or PM times. Included in these interactive discussions are a book, reference material and PowerPoints/ videos. The PPT and videos are posted on our website here after the course for continued self-study.
- Weekly bulletin column: Q’s from the Pews where parishioner questions relating to the Church or Christian Faith are answered.
If you would like to attend a course, register via the website. If you have any questions, please contact James Gregory,
THEOLOGY SERIES LEADERS: The office of Religious Education is always looking faithful Catholics who would like to share their faith and knowledge with others. If you have the knowledge, desire and feel you are called to this ministry please contact me. We welcome your involvement. There are many ways you can help: Lead a study, become a facilitator, or help with organization and set-up.
Contact Jim via email at or call (570) 784-0801 x4
- Lent 2025 Study: Passion & Physiology- How Human was Christ?
The humanity of Christ was and continues to be debated. To this day people still ask: How human could the Son of God be. The Catholic Faith holds that the Christ was Fully Divine and Fully Human. Only if this is true could Mankind be redeemed. During this study we walk through the life of Jesus described in Scripture and show how he was as fully human as you and I. We will dive into Luke (the physician) and show how his detailed descriptions of the Passion of Christ compare with modern medical physiology. Through this course one can hope to gain a more personal relationship with Jesus as both our GOD and brother who “became flesh and dwelt among us.” Presented by Dr. James Gregory, MATHEM. - March 3rd – April 14th 6 weeks
Mondays 08:30 AM / 06:30 PM 1.5 hrs.
Book & Videos: No Greater Love (Edward Sri Ascension Press)
Reference: What Christ Suffered Thomas Mc Govern MD - Summer/Fall 2025 Study: Vatican II: The Unfolding Story & Keys to the Documents
During this 9-week class we will spend our time unlocking the richness of the Dogmatic Constitutions of Vatican II. Using the book “Reclaiming Vatican II: What it (Really)Said, what it means and How it calls Us to Renew the Church” (Fr. Blake Britton Ave Maria Press) supplemented by “To Sanctify the World: The Vital Legacy of Vatican II” (George Weigel) we will seek to understand the meaning behind Vatican II and set in contrast many misconceptions. We will explore the pivotal papal documents of John Paul II and Benedict XVI seeing how they provided the keys to understanding Vatican II. Classes available AM or PM in a repeated fashion. Presented by Dr. James Gregory, MATHEM
July 28th – October 1st 2025 (9 weeks)
St. Columba Parish Center 342 Iron St. Bloomsburg, PA
08:30 AM or 06:30 PM 1.5 hrs. each
Mondays 7/28; 8/4,11,18,25; 9/1,15,22,29
Wednesdays 7/30; 8/6,13,20,27; 9/10,17,24; 10/1
Views: 387