Cantors and Psalmists

Our cantors and psalmists are musical leaders that love the voice of the assembly.

About Cantors and Psalmists

Our cantors and psalmists are not performers; they are liturgical facilitators of congregational song. Ideally, psalmists and cantors are active, confirmed members of the congregation, with the ability to proclaim, and give life, to the Word of God. These leaders breathe with the assembly, cuing them with gestures, eye contact, and prayerfulness. At the same time, our cantors and psalmists actively try to remove any stylistic inflections from their musical delivery, attempting a kind of musical invisibility so that we do not draw attention to the singer, but instead are encouraged to join in rather than just listen. Let us know if you are interested in being trained as a cantor or psalmist.


Catherine Chayko
Director of Music Ministry
570 784-0801 Ext. 5

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St. Columba Catholic Church