Gathering requires that we acknowledge the presence of one another as Christ among us.
Greeters make all feel welcome to our Parish services by greeting them warmly at the doors of our church. It is especially important for greeters to welcome visitors and those new to our church.
We are looking for greeters to help make all of our liturgies special, especially our upcoming Holiday celebrations. Please consider helping us out. A friendly face at the doors of the church can be life-changing. Beyond the Christmas season, we are looking for more greeters for Sunday Masses. It does not take a lot of time, nor are you asked to volunteer every Sunday. If you would be willing to stand at one of the church doors before Mass and simply wave or say “Welcome” or “Hello,” please email or call the parish office. We would love to have you join us.
Like with any first impression, greeters can help assure everyone feels they are part of our Parish community.
Greeters are asked to greet at least one time every 4-6 weeks depending on the number of greeters at each Mass.
A greeter is typically assigned to greet at one, and on some occasions, two Masses a month. The only qualification to be a greeter is the ability to provide kind greetings to our parishioners. If you are interested in becoming a greeter, please contact Nancy Edwards.
Greeters’ Schedules:

Nancy Edwards
I am very thankful for the time you dedicate to greeting. I know many of our parishioners are very thankful for your greetings too. If you know anyone who would like to join this IMPORTANT ministry, please have them contact the parish office. They will get the names to me.
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